Protein brownies (vegan friendly)

I’ve been trying to up my protein intake lately, because 1) I have a hard time meeting my daily requirements for it because we rarely have seafood at home for pescatarian me and 2) I’m trying to build muscle so I need to have more protein than the recommended amount to help retain it. Which […]

Japanese curry rice – Kare Raisu

I rarely ever eat curry because it’s just not my thing but ONE type of curry that I can’t resist is…Japanese curry! Sigh, I’ve fallen in love with it ever since I had it in Japan last summer. I’ve been meaning to make it ever since. I emphasize on the “meaning to” part because I […]

Clean eats: Tacos (gluten free, vegan friendly)

It’s taco Tuesday and tacos don’t always have to be unhealthy! I love tacos because they’re sort of like…waaaaayyy messier versions of sandwiches but who doesn’t like getting messy every once in a while right? I mean you can fill them with basically anything you want and they’ll still taste super yummy. Granted that they […]