Apples “sorbet” (clean eats/vegan)

I like my apples as is and in my juices  to sweeten things up. So why do I adore this little fruit so much? Not only is it crunchy, crispy, refreshing, variable and seasonal all year around, but they’re also super nutritious! Apples are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and […]

Banana mint chip ice-cream! (clean eats/vegan)

Today we’re going to talk bananas. Not only are bananas amazing in baking as egg substitutes and natural sweeteners they’re super good for you too. A banana has high levels of tryptophan in them which basically means they tell your brain to tell you to be happy. Haven’t you ever wondered why bananas are smile […]

Banana chocolate chip tartlets (vegan friendly)

I don’t make tarts very often but lil’ bun was having her friends over for a mini  “tea party” get together so I decided to make some Banana chocolate chip tartlets. We used our mini muffin tins for the tart moulds instead of an actual tart tin because well, all tea party treats must be […]

Chocolate pudding (clean eats/vegan)

Love chocolate? Let’s talk chocolate, more specifically, cocoa. I’m sure a bunch of you have already heard time and time again that DARK chocolate is good for you. But do you know why it’s so? Cocoa is high in antioxidants that help keep you looking young and protect you against disease causing free radicals. It’s […]