Japanese inspired sesame soy cookies (vegan)

These delicious sesame soy cookies took me less than 30 minutes to put together (yes, I timed myself) and even though they didn’t take long to make, they did not fall short on packing a bunch of flavor. If you didn’t realize already, these cookies have a secret ingredient. SOY SAUCE! The saltiness of the soy helps balance out the sweetness of the sugar and the almost nutty fragrance of the sesame seeds. I promise you these sesame soy cookies are worth taking out 30 minutes to make!

Ingredients (makes 12):

1 cup flour
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup soy milk
2 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 teaspoon soy sauce

Bake away!

1. Combine the oil, sugar, milk, sesame seeds and soy sauce together in a large bowl.

sesame cookie batter

2. Add in the flour and mix it into the liquid ingredients by making an up and down vertical motion with your wooden spoon. This will help avoid overmixing.

sesame cookie dough

3. Form the dough into little cookies and bake at 350F for 15 minutes until golden.

Sesame soy cookies

I got a little olympic-y and built an inukshuk..

Japanese inspired sesame soy cookies

Love Japanese dessert recipes? Try my glutinous rice ball: dango recipe!

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