Healthy superfood breakfast cake (vegan)

I’ve been pretty busy with work and what has been keeping me sane and my breakfast eating routine in tact is this deliciously moist healthy superfood breakfast cake! Plus, the fact that it’s jam packed full of superfood seeds takes the entire cake over the top! If you’re a fan of apple crumble AND banana […]

Adzuki red bean donuts with matcha glaze (vegan friendly)

Ahhh, it’s that time again. Matcha time. Every now and then I go mad for matcha. I need it, I want it, and I crave it in any shape or form. But as much as I love my matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean cakes, I was just […]

Mochi donut cakes (gluten free)

HAPPY 1 YEAR BLOG-IVERSERY TO MEEE! I can’t believe that it has already been a WHOLE YEAR since I started this blog! I figured that since it’s my blog-iversery, I should make a treat! I ended up settling on these amazing Mochi donut cakes! I mean, I LOVE mochi because of it’s chewy texture and […]