Candy Japan review

A couple of days ago, I received a lovely package from CandyJapan. Candy Japan is a Japanese snack subscription site that ships snacks to your door all the way from Japan! Unlike most snack subscription sites, Candy Japan sends you TWO packages a month for $25. I know, it’s a complete steal right? I mean […]

Sakura Mochi -Kansai (Kyoto) style

As promised on my previous sakuramochi post, here’s the Kansai version of sakura mochi! If you don’t know what sakuramochi is or what it’s about, go to the sakuramochi -kanto (tokyo) style post, and get caught up on the deliciousness! Instead of using glutinous rice flour, this recipe uses glutinous rice to encase the red bean […]

Sakura Mochi -Kanto (Tokyo) style

Spring has finally come along and that means its cherry blossom (sakura) season. During this season, a popular treat to have is sakura mochi. Even though sakura mochi has always been a piece of pink rice cake wrapped around red bean paste and then garnished with a piece of preserved cherry blossom leaf, the style […]

Strawberry Daifuku

Daifuku is a Japanese dessert that involves wrapping a glutinous rice flour (mochi) dough around a sweet filling. Most of the time the filling for Daifuku is red bean (anko) paste but sometimes a strawberry gets wrapped in there as well for extra deliciousness. I think that these Japanese cakes are the cutest things ever especially when […]

Chocolate almond Pocky!

Lil’ bun got a pack of chocolate almond Pocky from the critter the other day and when she finished them off, all she wanted was MORE of it. I swear they put some magical sprinkles in there to make them super yums or something. Anyways, I may not know what the “secret ingredients” that make […]