Pumpkin cinnamon buns + pumpkin dinner rolls

If you didn’t know already, Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up this Monday and I can’t wait for this weekend because it means lots of yummy food and quality family time! I decided to make these Pumpkin cinnamon buns to share because I have been loving all things pumpkin!

Macarons (5 variations)

I’ve always known all the technical steps in making macarons but this was my first time actually making them! I decided that I would share my experience with all of you guys at the since macarons are on the rise in popularity lately too! Honestly though, I’ve never been a huge fan of macrons because […]

Apples “sorbet” (clean eats/vegan)

I like my apples as is and in my juices  to sweeten things up. So why do I adore this little fruit so much? Not only is it crunchy, crispy, refreshing, variable and seasonal all year around, but they’re also super nutritious! Apples are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and […]