Japanese DIY cooking sets

It was a cloudy day and having nothing much to do, lil’ bun and I decided to finally try out the cake in the box DIY project I got for her on my travels. Once opened we’re completely confused by the amount of little packages on the inside…

Cake kit

Then somehow with our somewhat amazing ability to deduce problems, we realize you mix one of the big packages with some water into some sort of batter…

We were then supposed to microwave it…we didn’t know for how long though, that part wasn’t exactly clear on the package so we just experimented with 10 seconds at a time because no one wants burnt cake!

Now it was time for some icing! mix mix mix mix mix. Yay pink!

making japanese diy cake

Next was making gummies…out of some sort of mysterious powder? We were doubtful I mean how would it coagulate since it was so liquidy when we mixed it, but it worked. Magic? I think not, more like the amazing Japanese and their “technology,” which in hindsight I realize how many possible chemicals would of been consumed if I ate it.

making mini strawberries

Anyhow, after an hour of trying to figure out how to get it to work and decorating, we were left with the cutest little two tier cake ever. (: Am I seriously the only one who thinks that the gummy jelly things are amazing?

Japanese DIY cake kit

I didn’t eat it because lil’ bun was really protective over it since she worked hard on making it all prettied up. From what I CAN tell you though, the cake sponge part smelled really vanilla sweet as did the icing but that’s normal for icing. The gummies had a strawberry scent to them as well. It was a nice little project for a rainy day, next time we make…mini burgers!

Burger kit

Well time for DIY kit two, this time burger version!

Brother deer and I picked up a few of these Japanese mini set things for lil’ bun when we were in Asia over the summer. She made the cake one a while ago, which you can see here diy-mini-cake-in-a-box/ if you missed that one. Well, enough rambling, here’s the scoop on what happened.

Japanese Burger kit

Time to make some fries…weird thing was…it actually smelled like potatoes..

making mini burger

Making some burger buns

japanese diy burger patty

and some “beef” patties…which actually smelled like seasoned meat…kinda like chunky soup…the two of us thought that was a little freaky

japanese burger patty

Into the microwave they went!

microwave burgers

While that was microwaving, we made ourselves some ketchup

making ketchup

and some cola. We also made cheese but we forgot to document that part of the process

japanese instant cola

Finally assembly time!

Japanese mini burger kit

Making us some mini burgers

mini burger

After a while of decorating and assembling these tiny little things, we were finally done. How did they taste? Well…as great as anything extremely artificial would taste…really unnatural. Lil bun said that the fries were really hard to get through because they were quite tough. The cola tasted like flat coke, which was what we expected anyways. As for the burger…brother deer couldn’t even swallow his and lil’ bun being a brave one, managed to get through her entire burger. She said it tasted really strongly of cheese. She wouldn’t eat it again, but it could of been worse.

poppin cooking burger kit

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