How to use chia seeds

 I love chia seeds. I mean, how could you not? They are like nature’s sprinkles and you can basically add them to anything and everything without impacting the taste of your food!

I love to use the ones from ProactivChia. The thing that sets the ProactivChia apart from any other chia seeds out there is the fact that they are enhanced with probiotics! Lactobacillus helveticus LAFTI® L10, and Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52 ND to be exact.

prana proactivchia

Chia seeds with probiotics!

I really liked that these chia seeds from Prana had active probiotics in it. We all need a little bit of good bacteria in us to help clean our bodies and digest. I don’t eat yogurt or fermented foods very often so this gave me an easy way to get in my probiotics since I eat these every single day!

To be honest I’m not too knowledgeable on probiotics but I do know a lot about chia seeds and they pack a powerful nutrient punch! These little seeds have the ability to provide you with satiety (since they can absorb 9x their own weight), phosophorus, calcium, omega-3s, manganese and protein as well as fight against diabetes and heart disease!

Another thing I’m quite familiar with is how to use chia seeds because I use them so often! Plus they’re flavorless so you can add them to just about anything and everything without worrying about it jeopardizing your food!

3 easy ways to use your chia


I love mixing my chia seeds into my oatmeal while they are cooking on the stove top because it helps yield a thick, creamy texture since theyare able to absorb so much liquid!

eating oatmeal

Make chia pudding

I love having chia pudding for dessert in the evening. It’s a healthier version of having a pudding cup or rice pudding. All you really need to do is take a cup of coconut milk, sprinkle in a tablespoon of chia seeds, add some sweetner and whatever else you want to add to spice it up a little. I like to either make ones with cinnamon and apples or matcha and banana

apple pie chia pudding

Sprinkle them on everything!

Yes. I do mean everything. Yogurt. Soup. Burgers. Salads. Cereal. Ice cream. Cookie dough. Oatmeal. They can go on top of anything you want!

chia seeds on yogurt

2 Replies to “How to use chia seeds”

  1. I love sprinkling chia seeds onto smoothie bowls! This is such a great chia seed company and I love the recipe ideas!

  2. I just bought a bag of the ProactivChia, on the back of the bag it’s says not to heat seeds or it will destroy the live probiotics. Can I sprinkle them in warm/ hot oatmeal?

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