Earl grey tea shortbread cookies (vegan)

These Earl grey tea shortbread cookies are buttery with hints of floral notes. They’re perfect to have with a cup of tea as a tea time snack! Add lemon zest to elevate the flavour to a whole new level!

earl grey tea shortbread cookies

To be perfectly honest, I’m not a fan of earl grey tea.

I know I know, I’m probably a little crazy for saying that right? Trust me, I get that reaction all the time. Many have tried to convert me to drinking London Fogs instead of Matcha lattes and they have all failed to do so.

Hence, the picture of green tea beside my Earl grey tea shortbread cookies below…

cup of tea with shortbread

So why am I telling you all this?

Well, it’s because despite not liking earl grey tea in all it’s other forms, I absolutely love the taste of it in these cookies!

I mean, who could resist the butter-iness of shortbread cookies?! As a matter of fact, the creaminess the coconut oil yielded in these cookies reminded me of the experience you get when you drink a latte where you end up tasting notes of tea between sips of velvety milk foam.

shortbread cookie dough

But before I lose you all to dreamy latte heaven, I’d like to tell you about a certain mishap that occurred in my kitchen while I was baking these babies up.

Being the ever so impatient and antsy person that I am, instead of popping my dough in the fridge to chill for an ENTIRE hour because to me an hour feels like a whole decade, I decided to be “smart” and put my dough in the freezer for 10 minutes instead.

Unfortunately for me, my dough ended up firming up so fast that it ended up being partially frozen! So when I attempted to cut into it…disaster struck. Which meant I had to spend the next 20 minutes waiting for it to defrost before rolling it back up into a log and then chilling it in the fridge for the hour.

So…lesson learned. I’ll be patient next time…or at least I’ll try to be. I make no promises 😉

making earl grey shortbread cookies

If you end up making these delicious brownies, tag me on Instagram, or Twitter. Follow and interact with me on Yummly, and Pintrest!

Ingredients (makes 2 dozen)

1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup icing sugar
2 earl grey tea bags
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon water
1/2 cup coconut oil (or unsalted butter)


  1. Place all the ingredients into a food processor. Pulse until a dough is formed.
  2. Form the dough into a log and wrap it in plastic wrap. Then roll it around on the counter until the log is smooth. Place it in the fridge for 1 hour or until it firms up.
  3. Slice the log into 1/3 inch thick pieces. Bake at 375F for 10 – 12 minutes until golden brown.

7 Replies to “Earl grey tea shortbread cookies (vegan)”

  1. I love trying new flavours with shortbread. I’ve never tried this one before but it sounds delicious. I am a big fan of the bergamot flavour in Earl Gray.

  2. cookingwithauntjuju.com says: Reply

    I enjoy shortbread cookies and if tea is one of the ingredients they can be kind of healthy, right? Petra used tea in her sauce with duck and I have used it in rice. I think it adds some nice flavor and I am not a tea drinker. Thanks for sharing with ‘Fiesta Friday #51 🙂

    1. I’ve never cooked with earlgrey before but would love recipes if you have some to offer !

  3. The Novice Gardener says: Reply

    I think this is an excellent recipe, Cynthia! I’m excited to give this a try! And I’ll try to be patient and wait for that hour to end 😀

    1. Sigh why does baking and cooking have to involve so much patience? Why can’t we just eat it all already!

  4. I am not a fan of earl grey tea as well. There are so many recipe using the tea, but I never tried even a single of them. I drink earl grey tea, though, or put them in my smoothie. Putting them in cookies sounds amazing, Cynthia. Your bestie is blessed to have you. 😉

    1. Tea is so fun and there’s so many ways to use them! It’s so exciting!

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