Sakura Mochi -Kansai (Kyoto) style

As promised on my previous sakuramochi post, here’s the Kansai version of sakura mochi! If you don’t know what sakuramochi is or what it’s about, go to the sakuramochi -kanto (tokyo) style post, and get caught up on the deliciousness! Instead of using glutinous rice flour, this recipe uses glutinous rice to encase the red bean […]

Ode to the gac fruit – glutinous rice dessert

As adventurous as we are…today we probably got one of the oddest fruits ever…the gac fruit, a  vietnamese fruit. It’s supposed to have 10x more carotenoids than carrots! Yay phytonutrients! Well without further ado, this is how it looks like. It’s about the size of a papaya and while it has spikes on the outside, […]