Zhan Jiang Yu Gang – a food adventure in Fumin

Hi this is Tyi again, with another food adventure to share, this time it’s about a place I visited when I was in mainland China. How did I get there? I took the bus there from Hong Kong, Lok Ma Chau because it’s the most convenient way to do so. After going through immigration services in Hong Kong to get across the border, I got on the MTR train. The facilities were clean and comfortable, which is always nice. 

After arriving in Fumin and it was finally time for my FOOD journey with my friends to begin.

Zhan Jiang Yu Gang

We went for dinner at a Chinese restaurant (Zhan Jiang Yu Gang) which offers classic Guangdong Cuisine. The last two words “Yu Gang” means fishing port, and even though the restaurant is not next to the port, the fish cuisine tasted good.

Zhan Jiang Yu Gang restaurant

Here’s what we ordered

1) Steamed and fried mantou bun; it tastes fluffier, softer, lighter and milkier in flavour than the ones in Hong Kong.

 Steamed and fried mantou bun

2) Chicken; it was standard in taste and smooth in texture.

Fumin style chicken

3) Fried spicy bean; I think it’s something that would be good to have with a beer and football game.

Fried spicy bean

4) Fried clams with black bean; nothing special here, pretty standard

Fried clams with black bean

5) Baked eggplant; typically, eggplant dishes in Chinese cuisine tends to taste oily but the baked ones we had tasted sweet and juicy!

Baked eggplant

6) Tofu; the chef first pan fries the tofu and places some pieces of pork inside them, then everything is steamed. This way, the tofu absorbs flavour from the pork and the sauce. This made them taste a little heavier than it’s usual preparation.

pan fried tofu with pork

7)  Pepper soup with pig’s stomach; it wasn’t as chilly as I thought it would be but we ordered this because it’s good for increasing appetite. People recommended us to drink this in the winter to help stay warm.

Pepper soup with pig’s stomach

8) Everything came with a bowl of rice as well

rice with soy sauce


I also took lots picture of the menu. Although there wasn’t an English menu, I’m sure you can take a guess at what each things are from the delicious looking pictures.

Zhan Jiang Yu Gang menu
Chinese restaurant menu
restaurant menu
Fumin restaurant menu
Chinese seafood menu
Chinese soup menu

There will be a second, third or maybe even forth blog about this trip to Fumin is coming up soon! Please wait and follow me on the rest of the adventure =]

P.S: It doesn’t matter if you cant’ find the restaurant. All you need to do is take the taxi there directly upon arrival! Most taxi drivers in Fumin should know of the place if you show them the name, that’s how popular it is!

Love Chinese food? Read my post on Tin Tin seafood restaurant!

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