Little Fox Bakehouse

Little Fox Bakehouse has been a bakery that I’ve had treat from before. Last time, we tried their tarts, mochi donuts, croissants and caneles. This time, I decided to pick up a couple of their cakes! What I like about Little Fox Bakehouse is that they actually offer a variety of gluten-free cakes to choose from!

Little Fox Bakehouse cakes

On my visit, I also got to see some of their other pastries like their croissants and cream puffs. I have yet to try their cream puffs but I’ll definitely be back to try some of them! I had a few of their croissants on my last visit.

They had a variety of individual cakes to choose from. Their gluten-free variety includes the matcha strawberry, mont blanc opera cake, chocolate passion fruit, and macaron. If you’re looking for a larger cake, they have those too ranging from $29 – $45 depending on if you are looking for a 6″ or 8″ cake.

Little Fox Bakehouse yin yang cake

Mango shortcake

The mango shortcake looked too pretty in the pastry case to not order. It was made up of layers of mango mousse speckled with chunks of fresh mango. The layers of cake in between were nice and thin so the mousse was able to shine through. This cake was like biting into a fancy mango pudding. It was creamy, sweet and full of mango flavour. I appreciated how each of the layers were proportioned to highlight the mango mousse but the layers came a part as we ate it so it was hard to get all the elements in one bite.

Little Fox Bakehouse mango shortcake

Mont Blanc Opera

It’s been a while since Brother Deer has had chestnut cake so I decided to pick up the Mont Blanc Opera cake. In between each layer of almond cake were alternating layers of chocolate and chestnut paste. I loved the chestnut paste because it was so strong in warming chestnut flavour. The chocolate added sweetness and decadence to the dessert. As with the mango shortcake, the layers of the opera cake was proportional to ensure that you could taste each of the flavours in every bite!

Little Fox Bakehouse Mont Blanc Opera

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