Minus cake boutique

Minus Cake Boutique has been a cafe that I’ve wanted to visit ever since I heard about it. Minus cake boutique is located along Kingsway and offers drink and cake duos sold together. I thought they sold the cakes and drinks separately but unfortunately you have to buy them together. If you aren’t looking carefully, the cafe is easy to miss so make sure you keep your eyes peeled!

minus cake and more

I wanted to try out Minus cake boutique because all their cake and drink flavours sounded really unique. They have fruity flavours as well as tea flavours to choose from that inspire their items so you’re bound to find something that you fancy.

minus matcha redbean cake

Strawberry milk

This was a drink that was on the sweeter side and reminded me of a melted strawberry sundae! The milk was creamy and I loved how the strawberry puree on the bottom had chunks of strawberry in it. I don’t however think that a medium sized drink with 90% milk and 10% strawberry puree warranted the $6 price tag but I guess that’s pretty average pricing for drinks these days.

minus strawberry milk

Matcha red bean cake

There was a bit of matcha sponge in the cake, black sesame sauce and red bean paste. I thought that this cake was heavy handed on the red bean whipped cream and it almost took over the whole thing! I would have much preferred a better distribution and it didn’t help that all the whip was on the top so it was hard to get to the matcha sponge. The cake itself wasn’t very sweet with the red bean adding sweetness throughout. I did like the cake but the execution could have been better. I really wanted to get some of each layer in every bite.

minus cake

The container for the drink and cake was cute in theory but it was actually quite inconvenient! The globe container on top kept getting in the way of the straw so it was difficult to drink. Then when we were done the cake, we couldn’t remove the top so had to carry around the empty cake container! Fun to try, but not sure if it’s revisit worthy yet.

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