Bliss balls and rawnola (vegan, gluten free)

Hello hello! These Bliss balls are bound to leave you feeling, well bliss! They are delicious, sweet and packed full of nutrient dense ingredients to leave you ready to take on the day. You can also crumble these Bliss balls and turn them into a tasty rawnola!

Bliss balls and rawnola

Let’s catch up

How have you all been? I hope you’ve all been doing absolutely amazing because everyone deserves to feel that way even when things seem to be looking bleak.

I try my best to stay positive but my health has been declining lately and it’s been frustrating not getting any answers to my dozens of questions. So I’ve taken my health into my own hands and have been making a conscious effort to fill myself with more nutrients.

When I was living back home it was easy for me to get in all my nutrients because there was a bigger fridge and pantry so there was more to choose from. But now that I’ve been living on my own with a tiny fridge, it’s hard to get through everything quick enough to have a variety in my diet.

Often times, I feel as though I have to choose between purchasing one colour of the rainbow or another when it comes to veggies because I literally don’t have anywhere to store it all. So in hopes to get in all my nutrients, I decided to get myself some superfood powder so I can ensure I’m getting my daily dose of micronutrients.

Bliss balls with spirulina

Creating bliss balls

As much as I would love to say that I love the taste of superfood powder, it tends to be a bit chalky and grassy if you don’t put it in a smoothie of sorts. But being that I’m moving back across the country in a couple of months, I figured that buying a blender probably isn’t the smartest thing so I decided that I had to think of another way to intake the powder.

And thus, these superfood bliss balls were born. If you’ve never had bliss balls before you’re missing out because they’re absolutely amazing. They’re easy to make and you can make dozens of variations of them. Plus they make a great on-the-go snack or pre-workout!

healthy bliss balls recipe

I actually ended up loving these so much that I made 3 batches in one go! I understand that may sound like a little overboard but there’s just so many ways to eat these fellas’ that it never got boring.

Sometimes I would freeze them to have as a frozen treat, others times I’d mix in protein powder so I could have them as a quick post-workout and last but not least, I ADORE breaking them up to have as “rawnola”

date granola with blueberries and milk

Bliss ball recipe

Bliss balls and rawnola (vegan, gluten free)
Recipe Type: Breakfast, snack
Serves: 12
These chewy, nourishing bliss balls are easy to make and you can make dozens of variations of them. Plus they make a great on-the-go snack or pre-workout!
  • 2 scoops Amazing greens superfood powder in any flavor (optional)
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1/3 cups buckwheat groats
  • 3 cups medjool dates (pitted)
  1. Add the first 4 ingredients into a food processor and pulse until it starts to form a dough.
  2. Roll the mixture into tablespoon sized balls.
  3. Place in the fridge for 30 mins to allow them to firm up. Store in the fridge for best results.
Feel free to swap the superfood powder for any flavoring of choice. I like to use cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, and coconut as well.

2 Replies to “Bliss balls and rawnola (vegan, gluten free)”

  1. Angie | Fiesta Friday says: Reply

    Aaw…sorry to hear you haven’t been in the best of health, but sounds like you know exactly what to do to remedy the situation. Bliss balls to the rescue 👍 They sound so healthy and fun to make and eat. Take care, Cynthia! 😘

    1. eatmunchlove says: Reply

      Thank you Angie! You’re so sweet!

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