
10 years ago

Grayson and I rarely ever go to Richmond these days because we rather spend our time downtown basking in the…

Lil’ bun adventures: Market O brownie review + more

10 years ago

Lil' bun and mother deer are both in Hong Kong doing some exploring right now and here's her review of…

0755 lounge

10 years ago

Once upon a time, for my birthday, I went to 0755 lounge. I don't really go to bars or lounges…

Protein mug cake

10 years ago

If you came to me a month ago and asked me about protein, I would probably reply with "what? protein…

Japanese curry rice – Kare Raisu

10 years ago

I rarely ever eat curry because it's just not my thing but ONE type of curry that I can't resist…

Clean eats: Tacos (gluten free, vegan friendly)

10 years ago

It's taco Tuesday and tacos don't always have to be unhealthy! I love tacos because they're sort of like...waaaaayyy messier…

Lion’s Den

10 years ago

Nom nom nom, Chief and I have been to Lion's den before I started my food blogging "career" and since…

Sushimoto Japanese restaurant

10 years ago

We were debating where to go for lil' bun's birthday dinner and we ended up going to Sushimoto Japanese restaurant…

Macarons (5 variations)

10 years ago

I've always known all the technical steps in making macarons but this was my first time actually making them! I…

Congee noodle house

10 years ago

We went to congee noodle house for a family dinner to celebrate my aunt moving into a new house. Many…

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