Adzuki red bean donuts with matcha glaze (vegan friendly)

Ahhh, it’s that time again. Matcha time. Every now and then I go mad for matcha. I need it, I want it, and I crave it in any shape or form. But as much as I love my matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean cakes, I was just […]

Mochi donut cakes (gluten free)

HAPPY 1 YEAR BLOG-IVERSERY TO MEEE! I can’t believe that it has already been a WHOLE YEAR since I started this blog! I figured that since it’s my blog-iversery, I should make a treat! I ended up settling on these amazing Mochi donut cakes! I mean, I LOVE mochi because of it’s chewy texture and […]