Healthy vegan southwestern chili (only 100 cals!)

healthy vegan southwestern chili

I LOVE CHILI. I mean it’s super filling, it’s cozy, and it packs a flavorful punch. So what’s not to love about it? This healthy vegan southwestern chili is packed full of clean ingredients to help keep you fuller for longer so you have energy to get through your day. The veggies provide you with […]

Buckwheat flour recipes

I have recently come across something amazing….buckwheat flour! I’ve been using it for practically everything because it’s texture resembles all-purpose flour so beautifully. It’s like magic! While I want to use it in everything I bake, I usually only use it in my breakfast recipes because this way I don’t end up using the whole […]

One pot tomato rice (vegan)

I always see crock-pot recipes on the interweb but I don’t own a crock pot so I thought about it and realized that a rice cooker works similarly to a crock pot! I mean, you put everything you want to cook in it, push a button, leave it alone, give it some time and voila […]